Saturday, February 05, 2005

Hooray for expository teaching!

Last night I ventured to attempt a new young adults small group. (I'm now categorized as part of the older young adults, by the way. No longer considered post-high school). SO...I've been receiving the emails every week informing me of what this group was doing. This week they were beginning a new study, guys and girls each doing their own video series. So yesterday on my lunch hour I went to the Christian bookstore to check out the workbook for this series. Going into the store, I told myself that I would only get it if it was under $20. So the gal gets the book for me from the reserved copies, and it's $23.99. So I rationalized that it wasn't much over $20, and I went for it.

After work, I called for directions and off I was to Friday night Bible Study. Long story was great! A lot of old acquaintances from high school...comfortable small talk. Then we got into the study, which comprised a video and discussion. The series is by Beth Moore, who I'd only heard of recently. It was soooo good. She actually uses the Bible--a lot! It's not just a series of end notes. Everything comes right from the text. So that was exciting. We closed with a really good prayer time and then joined the guys for some food and chatting. I must say, I was very pleased with the whole thing. All of my young adult ministry experiences prior to this were awkward, cliquish, or youth group-y.